
Saturday, December 20, 2014

Karya-karya Nuruddin Ar-raniry

Di antara karyanya yang telah diteliti dan diterbitkan:
1.      Bustam al-Salatin (Bab II, Pasal 13) oleh Teuku Iskandar (1966).
2.      Asrar al- insan fi ma'rif at ar-ruh wa' r-rahman oleh Tudjimah (1961).
3.      Ma'al- Hayat l i ahl al-mamat oleh Ahmad Daudi (1978).
4.      Hudjdjat al-Siddiq l i Daf' al-Zindiq oleh Syed Muhammad Naguib al-Attas (1966).
5.      Tibyan fi Ma'rifa al-Adyan Tibyan fi Ma'rifa al-Adyan serta Hudjdjat al-Siddiq li Daf al-Zindiq oleh Voorhove (1955).
6.      Akhbar al-Akhiratfi ahwal al-kiyama (Khabar Akhirat dalam Hal Kiamat) oleh Edwar Djamaris (1983)[1]

Monday, December 15, 2014

Meaningful Learning

Eda Gürlen, “Meaningful Learning and Educational Environment,” Journal of Education and Future, 2012, 21–35 . Ausubel’s Meaningful Learning Theory According to Ausubel, learning would be more permanent when an individual
makes sense of new perceptions by relating with the knowledge learned and accumulated in long term memory. Meaning in a psychological manner is a product or a differentiating content resulting from compounding potential meaningful material with cognitive structure (Ausubel & Robinson, 1969). Meaning is a function of how an individual experiences a composition of thinking, feeling and action in line with her/his life experiences. Individuals acquire different life experiences in the different environments. Individual differences and presents context cause to making of different meanings to the same object or situation. Experience and context have a crucial effect on the meaning (Novak, 1998). Learning by discovery makes learning meaningful. Knowledge becomes a temporary knowledge when a concept definition is learned by rote. Meaningful learning requires an upper level of endeavour and provides a permanent knowledge. Ausubel (1968, p. iv) stated the basis of the meaningful learning as mentioned

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Republica South Africa Stamp: FW de Klerk

RSA Stamp 1989
South Africa 1989 Inauguration of President F. W. de Klerk
1989 45c
I have one of that stamp

State President 1989

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Dajjal will appear in my nation and will remain for forty

Another Hadith

Muslim recorded in his Sahih that Ya`qub bin `Asim bin `Urwah bin Mas`ud Ath-Thaqafi said, "I heard `Abdullah bin `Amr saying to a man who asked him, `What is this Hadith that you are narrating You claim that the Hour will start on such and such date.' He said, `Subhan Allah (glory be to Allah),' or he said,

Jauharah Tauhid: Bahagia dan Celaka telah ditentukan

فَوْزُ السَّعِيْدِ عَنْدَهُ فِيْ اْلأَزَلِ³             كَذَا الشَّـقِيُّ ثُمَّ لَمْ يَنْتَقِـلِ
"Bahagia dan celaka adalah sesuatu yang tetap pada Azali yang tidak akan mengalami perubahan".

         Bahagia adalah mati dalam keadaan selamat iman walaupun hidup hari-hari dalam keadaan kafir sedangkan celaka adalah mati dalam keadaan kafir walaupun hidup hari-hari dalam keadaan beriman. Kedua macam ini sesuatu yang telah tetap pada zaman azali. Ketetapan itu tidak akan berubah, karena Allah telah mengetahui bahwa sesuatu itu telah tetap, jika berubah, berarti berubahlah keadaan Allah

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Stamps: Castello di Bosa

Castello di Bosa

Stamps: Castello di Bosa
Year 1983
Artist I. P. Z. S. Roma | M. M. Tuccelli Inc.
Price US$50